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  • Autumn Smith created a Prayer Request in the group Group logo of Is Anyone Among You Sick ?  James 5:14-15Is Anyone Among You Sick ? James 5:14-15 9 years, 7 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)

    Please pray for my Grandmother Ellen

    • 1 person likes this.
    • Prayer for Ellen…
      Dear Autumn, I offer this for your family and Ellen. You can of course play this from your phone for your Grandmother if you are able to be with her. If not click on the little icon that says “SHARE” in this thread (it shows facebook and twitter logo) If your grandmother has a smart phone or someone who is with her does after clicking “SHARE” you can click the big blue square button that says “SHARE TO CONTACTS” then choose “TEXT” or “EMAIL” I like using TEXT and choose the name from your contacts. A link will be created in your text containing my prayer. Include in your text for them to “click the link” and then “push play”. Blessing!

Autumn Smith

Profile picture of Autumn Smith


active 9 years, 3 months ago