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  • Jeff Straus created a Prayer Request 8 years, 11 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)

    “Let the unjust be unjust still, let the righteous be righteous still, let the holy be holy still” NKJV. Please Lord I pray for our comprehension to catch the afterthoughts of you written down in the Book of Books. We need your fresh morning to meditate upon the acceptable. Please raise prayer men and women who know how to behave in a life full of reflection. We need this today or Christianity will get boring and silly either. I pray for a revival into prayout that it might turn vast and glorious, please don’t leave us Holy Spirit, please hear our prayers even when we go shopping when we take the bus that we might find approval. Let us grow powerful in prayer and speech to leap over walls and that you open the doors unto us for we know your Bible from now into eternity. Thank you

Jeff Straus

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active 8 years, 10 months ago