In a dream I was told to create this group and call it by this name. I have posted a Soaking PrayOut with voice and worship music below for physical and / or emotional healing. In the drop down menu “POST TYPE” you can choose “REQUEST, PRAYOUT or ANSWERED PRAYER”. Feel free to leave a prayer request. You may also click “SHARE” after posting / recording and share out through social media. Please create a PrayOut for someone in need, as your answer for healing may arrive as you pray for someone else.
Josh Prayerman created a PrayOut in the group
Is Anyone Among You Sick ? James 5:14-15 9 years, 6 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)
Soaking Prayer with worship music for healing, health, wholeness, soundness in mind, will, emotions, body…Let Him bathe you in His Love, Goodness and Kindness…
Autumn Smith created a Prayer Request in the group
Is Anyone Among You Sick ? James 5:14-15 9 years, 7 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)
Please pray for my Grandmother Ellen
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Prayer for Ellen…
Dear Autumn, I offer this for your family and Ellen. You can of course play this from your phone for your Grandmother if you are able to be with her. If not click on the little icon that says “SHARE” in this thread (it shows facebook and twitter logo) If your grandmother has a smart phone or someone who is with…[Read more]
Josh Prayerman created a PrayOut in the group
Is Anyone Among You Sick ? James 5:14-15 9 years, 7 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)
Soaking Prayer with worship music for healing, health, wholeness, soundness in mind, will, emotions, body…Let Him bathe you in His Love, Goodness and Kindness… @prayerman