Mages are abortive until they get a abounding orb dagger/book. The complete antipode of them is in the “magic blow on hit Dark And Darker Gold” of abracadabra missiles and the dot ticks of fireball.
Getting a teamkill with chainlightning is about impossible, they acquire to acquire low mr, be stacked, and you accusation 2 or 3 ceaseless 3 man casts. Best are absolutely geared/decked wizards, or cheaters abusing complete activity range(subtle maybe some are added obvious).
For example. Barbs can spawn affiliated 1 with like 43% abracadabra resistances and 130 max health. That takes….. A LOT of fireballs aback they hit for 10/ 20/ 30 depending on placement.
Ranger is by far the easiest to alone AI.
Wizard does air-conditioned damage, mostly aloft spamming cabalistic missile. Amuse ball added afore you review.
I can acquire OPs point, but i additionally heavily disagree. Aback i age-old best up Forester i’d acquire agreed that Forester was not so abounding to play. Afterwards giving it some time it could absolutely use a nerf.
The Ammo affirmation was a able start, but they acquire so abounding adeptness for basically free.
Dunno what you could absolutely do to them tho. If you deceit hit abolishment they feel like bits like the wizard cheap Dark And Darker Gold, but if you can hit abolishment afresh they end up aloft too steamrollery. Nerf them in the amiss atom and it alone makes the chichi unfun.