Vicki Gilstrap’s profile was updated 10 years ago
Prayerman created a PrayOut in the group
Oklahoma City Eph. 4:13 10 years, 3 months ago (Viewable by Anyone)
Because of the Lord’s great love…
He loves His people, which includes all people in our city… The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. @constance @dennisclark @ddurrett @gcodman @kimjimbro @beloved111 @pennyclark @rolandmiguel @carla @scott @dan @n-paul @aprila @mark @monica @andy @joey @jacob @donb @rogercude @vicki @meseitz @chase [Read more] -
Vicki Gilstrap created a Prayer Request 11 years ago
Oh, Lord, please bless the members of the Path Class.